
The Year of Tiger – 2022

In modern days, the social connection among people is not solidly bound as it used to be. With the progress of the times and the prosperity of the society, some traditional festivals gradually get commercialized and its origin is seldomly brought up. Yet, there are plenty of people out there find the legendary stories fascinating.

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ESG (Environment Social Governance)

Global warming has been one of the major topics for the concerns of living creatures on earth. Look back human history, the discovery of fire plays a critical role in the development and the energy is the key to humanity’s world domination.

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A Cog in A Machine

A cog in a machine/ system is often cited as a metaphor that the individual is functionally necessary but of small significance or importance within a larger operation or organization.

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Case Study 8 – Secret Room Compartment in Car

Ever since the coronavirus outbreak, the Covid-19 pandemic has forced a lot of people cancel or postpone their international travel plans. Recently, as vaccinations are picking up, restrictions and travel bans imposed to slow down the transmission of Covid-19 pandemic will be eased soon. After being at home for some period of time, many people begin to realize the importance of experience nature and spending time outdoors with family and love ones.

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